Paula de Leon Diaz



Paula works with clients ranging from ages 6 through adulthood. The challenges addressed are primarily behavioral and/or social-emotional, oftentimes presenting with depression, anxiety and emotional dysregulation. Clients may or may not have a diagnosis.

Individual 1:1 sessions - During 1:1 work with clients, target behaviors are addressed through conversations, the use of video examples, role play, games, various activities and reflecting on previously challenging situations. Sessions are typically 45 minutes. Ideally, material that is covered in the 1:1 session (e.g. strategies for emotional regulation, conversation skills, listening skills, problem solving and conflict resolution) is shared with the teachers and parents so that information can be generalized and applied to everyday situations in all settings.

Family support and parenting recommendations - In addition to struggles with school-based behaviors, many parents struggle with managing behavior in the home. Teaching parents about the fundamentals of behavior through behavior analysis enables parents to be more confident and well equipped to handle behavioral challenges.

In-class observations and functional behavior assessments (FBA) - This is a tool that is used to determine the environmental factors that are leading to problem behaviors. This information guides us in the development of an intervention plan to teach more acceptable behaviors and usually also provides recommendations on how to modify the environment (classroom, home, etc) and any adaptations to curriculum or instructional delivery that are necessary for the individual to be more successful.

Teacher Support & Workshops - Paula is the Founder of Behaviour Solutions Lab, a platform and behavioral support service for schools. Behaviour Solutions Lab offers a collection of video tutorials that breaks down the fundamentals of behavior in short (3-5 mins) videos, providing teachers with tools for interpreting behavior, as well as intervention and support strategies. Behaviour Solutions Lab provides schools with a highly qualified behavior consultant supporting teachers, through group consultation, in the application of behavioral principals and providing them with the tools create an inclusive learning environment.


Paula lives in Zürich with her husband and two children, ages 14 and 12. She has a Bachelor of Science (Psychology Major) from the University of Oregon (Oregon, 1998), a Master of Arts in Psychology from Pepperdine University (California, 2001), a Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis from Penn State University (Pennsylvania, 2007) and Board Certification (BACB Certification Number 1-15-187-18).

She has been working in Zurich as a Behavior Therapist since 2005. She has experience working with neuro-typical children who experience behavioral challenges at home or school or both, as well as children with various diagnoses, such as ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Her passion and specialty is helping children and families address challenging behaviors that may be causing stress and imbalance within the family dynamic, as well as hindering success in the school environment. 

Paula works in collaboration with parents and schools to address behavioral challenges. Her role varies from working with students in 1:1 sessions, to working with teachers and learning support, to supporting and working with parents in addressing challenging behaviors in the home. The goal is to establish consistency across all settings, decrease maladaptive behaviors and increase desired behaviors thereby enabling the client to experience success and balance in all environments.