Anja Spindler

Dr. Phil, BCBA


Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention

An Intensive early intervention program is meant for children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years old diagnosed with Autism. The intervention program is based on Behavior Analysis and is often in collaboration with the Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie (KJPP). The behavioural intervention is individually designed to the child and his or her family and is typically carried out at the family residence for a period of two years. The program consists of approximately 30 therapy hours of direct therapy with the child with additional hours aimed at trained the parents and other caregivers. 

Individualized Behavior Analysis Program

These programs are aimed at families looking for a behavior-analytic program for their child that is over 5 years of age or does not qualify for the Intensive Program. This is a highly individualized program where the intensity of the program is determined on a case by case basis. The aims are typically focused on the development of language and social skill and intervention takes place in the home setting.

Parent Training

Sometimes an intensive program with multiple sessions a week is not necessary or not possible. In such situations , after an initial assessment, an individualized program can be developed which is then implemented primarily by the parents. Sessions with client and parents take place between two and four times a month. Client progress is assessed and parent training is conducted in these sessions. 

Consultation with School and Special Needs Professionals

We seek collaboration and consultation with the network of educators and therapists who work with our clients. This exchange helps optimize progress and coordinate efforts. The extent of the involvement may range from attending annual school meetings, consulting on school academic or behavioural targets, to coaching staff.



As a social psychologist Anja worked in applied research in the areas of youth violence prevention and psychopathology in the UK, US and Switzerland. In 2012 Anja began working in the area of applied behavior analysis in the field of early intervention. She trained as a behavior analyst and has worked with a wide range of clients from pre-school to primary school age. Anja’s clients are children who have an autism spectrum disorder or other forms of developmental delays. She runs German and English programs and liaises with schools and other professionals in the field.

Anja holds a Doctorate in Psychology and is a certified Behavior Analyst.