Applied Behavior Consultants

Who we are

With varying backgrounds of graduate training in psychology and education, all three of us have specialized in the field of behavior analysis. We are connected through our commitment to providing excellent service. This means:

  • Clients come first: We choose goals that are in our clients’ interest and support their well-being.

  • Respect and kindness: Our programmes always take into account our clients’ motivation and interests. We choose methods that engage and appeal to our clients.

  • Evidence based: We employ methods that are science based. Their effectiveness with each client is continuously monitored and programs are adjusted to achieve best outcomes.

Paula de Leon Diaz, MA Psy, BCBA


Amanda Preussler, MEd, BCBA

Anja Spindler, D.Phil, BCBA

What makes us different

We consider our clients within their natural environment. We collaborate with other people in our clients’ lives (parents, siblings, teachers, assistants, therapists, classmates) and change structural and procedural elements (routines, schedules, learning methodology) to support our clients.

  • Real life practice: We believe that behaviors need to be practiced (not just explained) in order to become functional and be maintained in the future. Therefore, we incorporate real life practice of new behaviors in our programs.

  • Compassion: We strive to see things through the eyes of our clients and their families. We aim to see behaviors for the functions they serve, rather than how society judges them.

Who are our clients

Our clients are people with behavioral or learning challenges. Many, but not all, our clients are children or teenagers. Examples of challenges we address:

  • Learning and behavioral issues in the context of autism spectrum (ASD) and/or attention deficit disorder (ADHD)

  • Learning issues linked to developmental delays

  • Anxiety related to ASD and ADHD

  • Aggressive and oppositional behavior

  • Pathological demand avoidance

  • Self injurious behaviors

How we work

We adjust the structure and duration of our services based on the client’s needs and environment. Examples of our services include:

  • 1:1 sessions with client at home, in the community or at our office

  • Sessions with client plus peers (e.g. playdates, playgroups)

  • Parent trainings

  • Trainings for teachers, class assistants, day care staff

  • Implementation of supportive measures at school

  • Classroom coaching

The intensity of our support and involvement is tailored to the individual needs of each client. Services are terminated when all are agreed they are no longer needed.

*Please note: We are not psychotherapists. While we do talk with our clients about behavioral challenges, our focus is on finding strategies and new behaviors that can help the client’s well-being. We are there to support the client when learning and practicing these skills in their natural environment. Also, we do not provide learning support within schools.

Where we work

We work in the greater Zurich and Zug area. In some instances we provide online services.